Yes she is 11....
But this is her first time away from me overnight. With the exception of girl scout lock-in and family.
Truth be told I had to "make" her go. She was so worried about not knowing anyone. And the food. She is worried about the food (mama's REAL FOODIE!). But I told her she would thank me later. She needed to play with other girls her age.
After getting her all signed in I helped her (with Sawyer in a mei tai and trying to keep Gabriel corralled) into the dorm, showed her around (I used to attend the same camp, it's changed a bit, though ;) ) and got some conversation going between her and some girls in her group. I felt better when I left and she was sitting on her bed chatting with a new friend.
It was raining when I dropped her off. Hopefully it will be drier when I pick her up Friday so I can get more pictures.
Of course, it POURED today! As in I was barely able to get home because the streets were like lakes and I had to turn around so many times. By the time the boys and I made it home we had been thoroughly soaked and dried three times. My ponytail may still be a tad damp in the center. And I have thin hair!
Once it finally stopped raining it was bright and sunny, a tad humid, but nice and cool in the mid 70s. The boys and I went out for a bit. I checked the plants and animals.
I think it's about ready!!! |
Matt's onions. These are his babies! |
My biggest tomato! |
I am a bit concerned about my peppers (second from rt) and tomatoes (3rd and 4th bottom half). They aren't growing much. :( I don't know what to do for them to make them grow. |
Corn we decided to plant ...last week! lol! And before it are some rutabagas. |
I had to pot most of my herbs. |
This is why... See that green "stick-ish" plant in the bottom right? That WAS my parsley. Before Daisy Mae found it. |
I am worried about my peppers. And about half of my tomatoes. :( Guess I need to do some research. I had been watching a tiny green zucchini forming as well. Today I noticed it had turned yellowish. I pulled it off. The plant looks healthy. I have no idea what caused it.
Sawyer hasn't been doing real well the past several days. Frankly, neither have I. I miss these days....(which was only a week and a half ago)
Sawyer wears and amber necklace to help with teething. He is my fourth child, but first to have an amber necklace. When he cut the first 2 bottom teeth I didn't even KNOW hardly! He wasn't fussy, really. The top two were a little rougher, but I still was singing amber melodies!! Now, I still have faith in the properties of amber, but he is cutting 2 more top teeth and it has been HORRIBLE!!
Friday night we slept MAYBE 3 hours. Saturday about 6, last night about 4. He has kept a mild fever (except most of today it hasn't seemed to be an issue.), He cries CONSTANTLY it seems. I can't put him down, or walk away ( my house is a wreck). Yesterday he had one 'loose" diaper (being that I can't smell) that I didn't get to right away, so he now has a rash. He is so miserable. He doesn't stay asleep very well, so when he DOES finally nap I am afraid to make much noise. i.e. Dishes...Those horrendous things.
It's going to be rough around here....
I am still feeding my family well! Even if it means more dishes.....UGH! lol!
I made a yummy soup tonight! It will be added to my notebook for my cookbook! It's SOOO colorful! I got the cutest baby carrots in my CSA from Vegetableland today (, orange, purple, and white! I couldn't resist using some. It has a bone broth base made from a fresh chicken picked up from Steckler's this past Saturday ( It's interesting to KNOW that the chicken we had for dinner last night and the broth from it's carcass tonight was running around a chicken tractor in a lush pasture Saturday morning. The veggies are nearly all from my garden or Vegetableland (we just love Wendy, Matt, and Renee!). Real Food, people. :)
I made this dish a couple of nights ago. Creamy pesto with lemon grilled chicken. The pesto is made with basil, kale, garlic, Parmesan, walnuts, and EVOO!