Can you believe July is almost over...ALREADY? Summer always goes by far too quickly.
I guess the good news is we still have 3 and a half weeks or so until school officially starts! The local public school Isabelle used to attend starts Aug 8. Can you believe that!?! Earlier every year.
We year around homeschool. It provides us with plenty of flexibility while still meeting (and exceeding) the state mandated 180 days. So our summer "break" didn't begin officially begin until last Monday. Isabelle is enjoying her "real" freedom. She spends her days reading, taking care of animals (including bottle feeding a 2 day old kitten), and -
sorta- doing her chores. She would rather spend all day, everyday basking in the sun light flecked ground, traipsing about in the woods.
But we still go out and run errands. Farmers market, pick up our CSA, go swimming, ect...
Saturday's Market Buys |
Ratatouille!! |
French Peasants Dinner....YUM! |
We made coffee filter butterflies last week, too! Gabriel loved watching the colors blend!
Otherwise, most of my spare time has been homeschool planning. I think I have all of our curriculum purchased!! Phew! Gabriel starts preschool this year, too, so things may be a bit dicey at times. I can't wait to see him light up when he learns something new, though!
For math this year for Isabelle, we are trying Teaching Text 6. I am SO excited about this! I think we may have finally found a good match for Isabelle!
Writing- Jump In!
Grammar- Finishing up a couple of Starline books and Language Fundamental, as well as some printables.
History- History Odyssey Early Modern (we will likely use this 2 years, since I have so many additional things), local history, and The American Heritage DVD set
Science- Truth In Science (also likely a 2 year curriculum for us), experiments, and Nature Studies
Art- Learning about great artists and some of their styles. Making this up from internet resources mostly.
Music- Isabelle started drum lessons a couple of weeks ago. She is learning to read music and play she chose. She will also be learning about some of the great composers.
Home Ec- Plenty of cooking! Maybe some needlework.
I think that is about it. We take plenty of field trips as well! I have about a third of the year planned in my planner. Yippee!!!
So what is new for you???
Night and many blessings!